LIST#1:Epic/significant things I did in my life, by year (but no 'accomplishments')
1979: age 0 Got born. Not sleeping.
1980: Age 1 Loved my stuffed "Little Rascal" and fetched it like a dog.
1981: Age 2 Addicted to Sesame street, watched it thrice daily and cried when it ended because I thought it was done forever / When asked if I was a "nice boy," responded, "No, I'm a regular boy"
1982: Age 3 Wanted nothing less than a Carrot-Candle Cake for my birthday (like Bugs Bunny).

1983: Age 4 Ring Bearer in Uncle and Aunt's wedding - wouldn't walk with the flower girl.
1984: Age 5: Learned to Read ("Monsters Come in Many Colors")/Started Kindergarten / Started Hockey (for Wheeler)
1985: Age 6: Became a Brother /Got Lost on a School Bus on the first day of school.
1986: Age 7: Laughed so hard that I peed my pants (just a tiny bit, barely noticeable) while playing with blocks at school.
1987: Age 8: Became interested in Baseball (and the Twins won the series)
1988: Age 9: (Went to Las Cruces, New Mexico for Uncle's softball tournament with my Grandparents)
1989: Age 10: Went to Disney World / Stopped Playing Hockey
1990: Age 11: Became Brother again
1991: Age 12: *Finished Elementary School/ Went to Camp first time/Went to World Series/ Moved to Northfield St.* -- most important year!
1992: Age 13: Went to State for Geography Bee / Kissed a girl (I think, maybe? it's hard to remember)
1993: Age 14: Finished Middle School/ Joined the Debate Team at DEHS
1994: Age 15: First trip to watch Minnesota State High School Hockey tournament / CIT at camp miller
1995: Age 16: First Year Working at Camp Miller / Not getting Driver's license
1996: Age 17:Worked at the Hacienda Del Sol
1997: Age 17.12: Cancelled my birthday /Graduated High School
1998: Age 17.24 Last time I had a girlfriend (age 17.23)
1999: Age 17.36 Went to Wales
2000: Age 21: Reinstated birthday / Learned not to drink blue things (no matter how pretty they look)
2001: Age 22: Graduated from Carleton (BA History) / Intern at the Smithsonian
2002: Age 23: Went to see Dave Matthews and Bela Fleck in Toronto / Moved to Seattle / Became Program Staff at Camp (Tripping Director)
2003: Age 24: Got to be temporary interim assistant sub-deputy Program Director at Camp
2004: Age 25:Graduated from UW (MLIS) / Leadership Director at Camp /Moved to Maryland and became a Librarian
2005: Age 26: Got Driver's License
2006: Age 27: I probably did something in this year, but it wasn't exciting enough to remember.
2007: Age 28: Got my first Suit
2008: Age 29: Still working at Camp / Had the October of Darkness
2009: Began the "My Year in Lists" project / hope to accomplish something...
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