1. I now need to log out of Gmail (and thus every other google service... like this blog) every time I want to do a non-diluted search on the search engine.
2. "If you choose to keep using Google once the change occurs, you will be doing so under the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service." --Translation: "Dear User, We're too big to fail, and you can't live with out us, so Eff You"
3. "If you’re signed into Google, we can do things like suggest search queries – or tailor your search results – based on the interests you’ve expressed in Google+, Gmail, and YouTube... -- Not "Can do," but "Will do"
4. I like having my gmail open on my laptop. I also work in a library where I'm often doing and demoing Google Searches for students (Like "Here's how to find the best part of google -- advanced search -- since those Effers hid it). Those searches don't represent my interests, why should they pollute my own YouTube searches?
5."...We’ll better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you’re searching for and get you those results faster:" --Okay, but what about when I want the OTHER version of Pink or Jaguar? How does it save me time when I have to retrain the almighty GoogleBot?
6. I have close personal friends, to whom I talk about close personal things. I sure don't want YouTube to think that I want to see videos on a Health or Personal Hygiene problem I might be asking my mom about, or a love-note to a lady.
7. It's making Google too much like an iPhone: everything rolled up in to one package, so when you lose it, you're effed.
8. It's made me drop nearly all of my google services that I formerly liked (except you can't drop them now) like Google Docs and stuff.
9. It's made me think about quitting the blog (or trying to import it to another place somehow); getting a totally different email address (hassle), and making a separate account so I can view Youtube privately (and also then deleting all of my youtube uploads... sorry ukulele brothers fans)...
10. ... Except I haven't found better alternatives
11. There aren't opt out features. (Google overlords, you're going to be able to harvest all the personal data from people who are too dumb to think this stuff matters, why do you need mine)
12. There's nothing that can be done to stop it. and even adding "google's privacy policy sucks" to every google transaction I do" is just going to make my personal google experience less good and not send them a message
13. There's no easy-to-find ability on any of their "help' or 'contact' pages to voice concerns or opinions.
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