List #766: "About Google"
"Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful TO ADVERTISERS AND SHAREHOLDERS"
1: Focus on the user"S INFORMATION and all else will (We don't 'Follow' here at G, we '+1')
2.It’s best to do one thing really, really well, AND THAT THING ISN"T WEB SEARCH, IT TOTES SOCIAL MEDIA
3: Fast is better than slow." (yeah, they're still fast, can't complain)
4. #4: Democracy on the web works. democracy means 'we tell you what you want, right?
5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. WE CAN FIND YOU ANYWHERE THANKS TO GPS !
6: You can make money without doing evil... you just can't make it any more while doing good
7.There’s always more information out there. AND WE KNOW YOU"VE BEEN HIDING IT FROM US
8: The need for information crosses all borders, so we'll put our stuff in the hands of national-level domains. China will be good, right?
9: You can be serious without a suit, or any other clothes for that matter if you're hot (since we'll be watching you 24/7)
10. Great just isn't good enough, so we've decided not to be great anymore.
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