Saturday, January 31, 2009

Welcome to Nic's Year in Lists

Hello people that really have nothing better to do than read about me writing about myself,

I've realized a few things in my too-many years of life; Here is a subset related to this Blog:

List #0: Subset of "Things I've Realized" that pertain to the creation of "Nic's Year In Lists"
1:I wish I could write well/(some may say better)
2: I crave epic projects, but never know what to do them on
3: Despite being mostly an Introvert, I like talking about myself (though I think I may do it too much). Well, maybe I just really want people to hear about me... same difference.
4: Writing Lists isn't too hard

This is the plan: in honor of my favorite new band of 2008 (Los Campesinos!) Starting tomorrow (2-1-09) I am going to post one list per day for a year (okay, that's ambitious... I'll shoot for one list per day, but it's not a Fail if I miss a day or two).

The lists will be about whatever I feel like listing about: Myself, things that I find interesting, interesting lists I find, etc. I'll also accept suggestions for lists (but if you suggest really tough ones like "Top 10 Desert Island Discs" (I'm not Nick Hornby... I don't have the time to know the answer to that one), or "Top 10 Favorite Songs," I can't promise immediate turnaround.

If people start to actually read this, I ask this favor: keep me honest, and keep me in gear.

XOXO, Gossi... wait, Nic

EDIT: Okay, so no one actually read it, but I totally wrote my Birthday down wrong. I fixed it.