Sunday, March 15, 2009

List #43: 22 Complete-that-sentences

List #43: 22 Complete-that-sentences
Finish the sentences. Some may be uncomfortable, but you'll manage. Repost it as "Finish the sentences" when you're done! Don't forget to tag me back!
(another Facebook meme list... sorry, I'm behind)

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... was probably the last one for another 5 or so years. such is my life.

2. I am listening to.... Yeasayer "Sunrise". Just 'discovered' them this weekend.

3. I talk when... I'm comfortable (and then far far too much)

4. I love my... family (remarkably!)

5. My best friend.... is unknown at this time (assuming Best Frienditude requires reciprocity)

6. My first real kiss... define "real"

7. Love is... only a feeling (drifting away) / When I'm in your arms I start believing /It's here to stay /But love is only a feeling /Anyway, anyway

8. Marriage is... a superstition, and a religious construct: something for religious people, and something the government should stay out of completely (separation of 'church' and state and all). HOWEVER: _Any_ two people who wish to make lifelong commitments to each other should be allowed to be civilly united and reap full legal benefits (inheritance, medical decisions, etc.). If churches want to be intolerant, let them. Intolerance has no place in the law.

9. Somewhere someone is thinking... less (or more) of me because of that previous sentence

10. I'll always... like blankets

11. The last time I really cried was because... my family gets complicated around the holidays

12. My cell phone... is a wonderful convenience (thanks for sharing, Mom !)

13. When I wake up in the morning... I hit snooze 4 or 5 times. I eat a banana on the way to work, workout, eat a protein bar, shower and go upstairs.

14. Before I go to bed to sleep... I look at all of my glow in the dark stuff.

15. Right now I am thinking... but I try not to.

16. Babies are... pretty neat (well, they're actually really messy)

17. I get on Myspace... or maybe don't

18. Today I... made fish tacos.

19. Tomorrow I will be... on spring break, reading books.

20. I really want to be... awesome

21. Someone that will most likely repost this... Barack Hussein Obama

22. Where did I... lose the way

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