-My favorite shirt is a long-sleeved heavy brown polyester T-shirt
-I have medium length hair, but it is growing shaggier by the day
-My beard is trimmed
-I have cash in my wallet (but not much)
-I am in good health
-I live in Maryland and have a job I like
-My room is cleaner than average
-I make soups for fun and sustenance
-My favorite superheroes are Green Lanterns
-I'm still reading Robert Jordan
-My Mother is in China, my Brother is in California, the others are in Minnesota
-I am 31 years old
-I can bench press my bodyweight
-I can run 5k in under 29 minutes
-There is snow where I am
-I own my car
-My favorite band is "The Joy Formidable"
-I should be putting away my laundry