Tuesday, December 29, 2009

List #333: Wisdom to live by, and other statements of philosophy

List #333: Wisdom to live by or other Tips/Maxims for leading a good life

1. It's Nice to be Nice / People Matter / Brush your Teeth / Zip up Your fly.
2. Find a good comic shop and become a regular (if you're not into comics, insert "any small business run and owned by real people)
3. Read the books that you like because you like them (even if they are Twilight), but read!
4. It probably could be better, but it could always be worse.
5. Make your kids play outside, better yet, play outside with kids.
6. "The Perfect is the enemy of the Good"
7. Give yourself permission to suck.
8. Find shoes that look good AND are comfortable (and when in doubt, err towards the latter)
9. Nerds should play more sports. Jocks should read more books. Everyone should play more music.
10. Take the first parking spot you find. Walking is good for you.
11. Don't forget about the bass player.
12. Never compete with a friend over a girl (or a boy, if that's what you're into).
13. Eat the crusts.
14. Use your turn signals.
15. You can win any argument by saying "Okay, you've convinced me". (but you don't have to mean it).
16. Everyone is wrong. Always. And that's okay. (once you accept that, life's a lot easier).
17. Water
18. Mowing the lawn and shoveling the driveway are character-building experiences that everyone should have at least once in their life.
19. Anyone who has a pristine condition truck, shouldn't have a truck (unless you just drove it off the lot).
20. If it's not a touch screen, don't touch the screen.
21. If you're going to break rules, just do it safely and carefully.
22. Just because something fancier might exist, it doesn't mean a thing is obsolete.
23. Most change should be met with at least some temporary resistance
24. It's okay to change your mind
25. Paradox is perfectly normal.
26. Mix and Match
27. Listen to more than just the Lyrics
28. You can wear a suit without being A Suit
29. If you make the argument that letting computers/technology remember things for you is supposed to free up your mind for more important things, you damn well better do a lot of good stuff with your mind
30. If you're going to dislike something, have a reason, and be able to explain it
31. If you want a Red Pepper, buy a Red Pepper (even if they cost 25-cents more than you think is reasonable)
32. If you're going to play, play hard and have fun, and if you can't find enjoyment if you don't win, then you don't deserve to play in the first place.
33. The over-examined life isn't lived.

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