1. A lot of Supermans

2. Desktop Wallpaper

3.Jack Knight (DC Direct and Heroclix)

4. Thor fights Anti-Monitor AND Fin Fang Foom (and Devil Dinosaur, sans Moonboy)

5. Cheat Commados Kneel Before Zod

6.Half a set of Lantern Corps Rings
7. Saint Walker and Atrocitus (DC Direct "Blackest Night")
8. Library card, Magic:the Gathering Card
9.Oracle clix and Glow in the Dark d6s
10. Handmade Starman #63 poster
11. Long and short boxes of comics, lots of boxes of Heroclix
12. More boxes of Heroclix and 2 giant d6
13. DVDs (incl. Lord of the Rings, Daredevil, Neverwhere, Atlantis, X2, Ultimate Avengers 1&2, etc.)
14. Absolute Sandman 1-4, Librarian Action Figure
15. Small Selection of my Graphic Novels, Hardcovers and TPBs (Y: The Last Man, Blankets, Starman omnibus, Rising Stars,Scott McCloud, lots more...)
16. Booster & Blue, Hard Travelin' Heroes, a Glow-in-the-Dark mageknight (which I don't play)
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