Saturday, June 6, 2009

List #126: moments you would go back in time to fix

List #126: moments you would go back in time to fix (as requested by Jason Zieger) with occasional examples of how life would've changed

1. Andruko Wedding: would have stipulated that I would only play guitar if Andrew used his connections via Casey Wilson's dad to get Anne Hathaway to come to the wedding. Outcome: I would now be engaged to Anne Hathaway.

2. The GAME V: would've run just a bit harder at the 10 yard line on the near-to-last play of the game. Outcome: touchdown, and potential 2-pt kick to win the game

3.Would've prevented, somehow, Travis from being fir... "resigned" from being Camp Miller Director. Outcome: my life would be happy and normal

4. State Geography Bee, 7th grade: Would've answered "Sugarcane" instead of "Tobacco" in the 5th sudden-death overtime question in the qualifying round. Outcome: make final round (I knew the answers to the questions, including the one he got wrong, the kid who beat me got in the finals)

5. Field Hockey vs. Twin Cities Club team, senior year: Would've taken a quarter second to control the ball in the overtime so as not to miss an empty net from 5 yards out. Outcome: our first victory over the club team.

6. NFC Championship 1998: Make Gary Anderson hit the field goal. Outcome: Vikings lose 5th superbowl.

7. Spring Concert 2001: Make the rain start later in the day so that GU could play outside on the Hill instead of at Buntrock. Outcome: Schiller, a Helicopter, groupies

8. State Hockey Semifinals, 1996. East vs. Apple Valley: Make the overtime "goal" count. Outcome: a decrease in complaining about this minor, trivial issue by me.

9. Would've said something just a bit faster that one time before an event occurred that caused the Code to kick in. Outcome: unknown

10. Jason Alexander's Birth: would prevent it from happening. Outcome: He couldn't play George on Seinfeld. (okay, maybe that's extreme...)

11. Would've been more assertive, in general, about telling girls that I liked them (on a variety of occasions). Outcome: I'd get rejected with greater frequency.

12. So many minor things, but on those I'm of the mind that I'm better off in the company of the dog I know than a man whose language I do not understand.

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