Friday, January 8, 2010

LIst #343: Things I like, dislike about iPods

List #343: Things I like, dislike about iPods (mine in particular)

1. It holds a ton of music (14k songs and still 60GB free)
2. It is portable
3. People have made some decent non-itunes software for it
4. It has a reflective case
5. It holds a ton of music!
6. They have great commmercials (with great music)

1. Many of my album covers are messed up
2. It likes to pretend that it has no music on it sometimes
3. iTunes (and "sync-ing": do I ever hate its tyrannical nature)
4. it is much bigger than my laptop hard drive.
5. mine doesn't like pictures or audiobooks (mostly due to iTunes problems)

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