Sunday, January 17, 2010

List #352: Favorite places to eat in selected cities

List #352: Favorite places to eat in selected cities and what I like to get.

1. D.C.: Morty's Deli (formerly Krupin's)[Pickles] also the cafeteria at the Museum of the American Indian [varies]
2. Duluth: Hacienda Del Sol [chicken enchilada, medium, all rice, side of taco sauce and sourcream]
3. Columbia: Maiwand Kabob [Lamb Kabob], also Victoria [Duck Fat Fries]
4. Seattle: Northlake Pizza [pizza]
5. Northfield: Hogan Brothers [Turkey Sandwich, beer-cheese soup]
6. Cloquet: Gordy's Hi-Hat [Onion Rings]
7. Kansas City: Jack Stack [Barbecue Sampler]

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