Tuesday, May 19, 2009

List #108: Recurring dreams that I have had

List #108: Recurring dreams (or thematic elements in dreams) that I have had.

1. Tiger walking down stairs of old house while I read a book on the floor
1b. said Tiger lured into ketchen and trapped in a box
1c. Lion walking down the stairs of old house while I read a book on the floor

2. Dreams of being trapped in the Mall of America, but it's labyrinthine, dark and represents hell (there are also occasionally also Mafiosi trying to kill me). There are no exits, and it is not crowded. There is a parking lot.

3. Being able to jump and hover (not fly, just glide and hover a foot or so off of the ground). (probably the most common)

4. Driving a car without a license or knowledge of how to drive and desperately wanting to not be driving but then the police come (and then I wake up). This one I'm often in my underwear as well.

5. Skiing and hitting a jump and flying upward out of control far higher than I should (and usually waking up just after beginning to come back down (this is my equivalent of a "falling" dream... I just "fall" upward)).

6. Another recurring theme that won't be mentioned here

7. Large aquatic creatures (orca, kraken/squid) attacking family members.

8. Teeth loosening and falling out, often filling my mouth and spilling out uncontrollably (sometimes with a lot of blood)

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